Rigorous data is part of our Mission.
Our Monitoring and Evaluation team works with local health workers to identify all pregnant mothers surrounding a health clinic. They conduct home visits and extensive surveys to determine the nutritional status of mothers, their involvement in healthy habits, and the diet of the household at baseline.
Partnership Work
GHI, in partnership and with the support of UNICEF, delivered an integrated nutrition-sensitive & live-stock intervention in the Gicumbi & Ngororero Districts. The summary below provides an overview of the programming, assessment, and impacts.
Our work in the Home Grown School Feeding Program in partnership with the UNWFP
Annual Reports
Our COVID-19 Response
In March of 2020, the COVID-19 virus reached Rwanda, resulting in weeks of lockdown followed by country-wide restrictions to mitigate the spread of the virus. The combined effects of COVID-19 and the resulting mitigation measures disrupted the daily lives of Rwandans, affecting their ability to make wages and feed their families and increased the number of people at risk for malnutrition. We halted our normal program for several months and got to work serving our community where we were needed most — all while ensuring access to healthy food and sustainable agriculture for the most vulnerable.